Estimated Printing Cost Per Square Meter Excluding Labor Cost For the VEHICLE ART ROBO System
We exclusive pigment
(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black)
1 bottle (100ml) = 3,000 Japanese Yen
Following is the production cost for a square meter in U.S. Dollar based on the $25.00 per bottle 100ml distributor cost.

1 square meter: 3.0 ml per color is required.
3/100 X 25.00 U.S.D. X 4 colors = U.S.D 3.00 per square meter
Cost of Clear coating = U.S.D. 1.00 per square meter
Total: = U.S.D. 4.00 per square meter
Clorfastness is 2 years without over coating(Clear).
If you want over 5 years colorfastness, it is necessary to carry out

Above pricing is based on distributor's print cost.